Treasury Tip:

Here's a tip: Fill up all 18 Treasury tags. That makes it easier for Etsy admin to find and feature your Treasury! Don't forget to read all Merchandising Themes; they can give you Treasury making inspiration.

How to Join

We are an Etsy treasury making team.  We focus on promoting and supporting team members and other Etsians through the creation of beautifully composed treasuries. 

  • Create one team treasury each week.  Each member can, of course, create more.
  • Feature at least six team members in each treasury.
  • Support team members, as time allows, through views, clicks, and comments.
  • Team members tag items in their shops so that they will be easily found by other team members.
  • As of now, there is no requirement for number of items in a team member's shop.
  • If you have multiple shops, each shop will be evaluated individually.
How to Join:
  • You must have created at least four treasuries on Etsy's Treasury here.
  • Contact team captain, Megan, through her shop at mktENGINEER. It is VERY important that you title the conversation "SP Application."
  • Send a link to the list of Etsy Treasuries you have created (