Treasury Tip:

Here's a tip: Fill up all 18 Treasury tags. That makes it easier for Etsy admin to find and feature your Treasury! Don't forget to read all Merchandising Themes; they can give you Treasury making inspiration.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Jingle Mingle Treasury Winner: zuzusworld

Here is our second interview from the awesome Jingle Mingle Treasury contest with Sema from zuzusworld, of our very own Selection Perfection team! Her Treasury was awesome and so is her interview, so here we go:

Rachelle: What inspired you to open an Etsy shop?

zuzusworld: I've known about Etsy for a long time, my sister recommended it to me and I would always browse and marvel at all the amazing shop. I wanted to start an Etsy shop to commect with the wider handmade community. Etsy is a wonderful place, I have learned so much about communicating with each other, working hard, and having fun.

Rachelle: What is your favorite element/item of your shop?

zuzusworld: I couldn't choose one item as a favourite. I couldn't even choose a couple. I love all of them.

(Rachelle: My favorite is the one included with this interview; I even had a dress custom made in that color!)

Rachelle: What recent improvement from Etsy do you like the most?

zuzusworld: I love the ability to search my favorite items! I favorite a lot of items to eventually use in treasuries and I think this feature is really help me with that. The recent addition of the Activity Feed feature has made it easier for me to discover new sellers I love as well.

Rachelle: List your four favorite Etsy shops, if you can keep it to just four!

zuzusworld: Okay, it is too hard for favorite shops (I have 154 pages of favorite shops.) But I'll try to keep it short....


Rachelle: How do you find inspiration for building an Etsy Treasury?

zuzusworld: I can find inspiration in everywhere. Sometimes source of inspiration can be one item, sometimes song lyrics :) It depends on my emotional state.


  1. Thanks Rachelle for the interview . I am really honored.

  2. I LOVE your shop and beautiful treasuries! Congrats Sema :)
